How Much Does Dry Needling Cost? The Price of Pain Relief

how much does dry needling cost - edupain

Dry needling is a technique that physical therapists use to treat myofascial pain and other conditions that have been growing in popularity over the past few years. So how much does dry needling cost? Read on to find out!

The cost of dry needling will vary depending on several factors, including the type of dry needling you receive, the number of sessions you need, and where you live.

Generally speaking, dry needling costs between $15 and $100 per session. Some insurance companies will cover dry needling, but coverage varies widely so it’s always best to check with your insurer first.

If you’re paying out of pocket, dry needling is still a relatively affordable option when compared to other chronic pain treatments such as massage therapy.

Let’s explore this in detail.


How much does dry needling cost?

The price of dry needling depends on the number of sessions you need, the severity of your condition, and whether or not your insurance covers the treatment.

On average, a single dry needling session can cost anywhere as low as $15 to $100.

Some physical therapists in Baltimore for example, charge about $35 to $85.

If you require multiple sessions, the cost can add up.

Fortunately, more and more insurance companies are beginning to cover dry needling as they recognize its effectiveness in treating a variety of conditions.


What insurance company will cover the cost of my dry needling treatment?

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medical Service (, Medicare will cover all types of acupuncture including DRY NEEDLING for chronic low back pain within specific guidelines effective January 21, 2020.

If you want to try dry needling, talk to your health insurance provider about the insurance plan for dry needling.


How much does dry needling cost if I have no insurance?

Please keep in mind that not all dry needling practitioners accept insurance. Make sure to ask them first if they take cash, credit cards, or other forms of insurance.

These practitioners usually charge higher than the others.

Also, some insurance plans will not cover dry needling due to varying legislation on a state level.

If dry needling does not fall under the umbrella of any form of insurance, therefore you’ll have to pay for it yourself. Expect a higher price range.

If your insurance doesn’t cover dry needling, there are still options available to help offset the cost.

Some physical therapists offer package deals or discounts for those who pay cash upfront. Others will work with you to create a payment plan.

The bottom line is that dry needling is an effective treatment for a variety of conditions, and the cost should not be a barrier to receiving this potentially pain relief therapy.

If you don’t have insurance, talk to your physical therapist about package deals or payment plans that can make dry needling more affordable.


How many sessions of dry needling are needed?

The number of dry needling sessions needed varies from person to person.

In general, chronic pain conditions may require more treatments than acute pain.

A typical course of dry needling treatments is between 6and 12 sessions.


Does a dry needling session hurt?

Dry needling is usually not painful. You may feel a slight prick when the thin needles first enter your skin, but most people report feeling no pain during the procedure.

Dry needling is a treatment that physical therapists use to relieve myofascial pain. Myofascial pain is a type of pain that occurs in the connective tissues that cover the muscles.

Myofascial trigger points are tight knots that form in the muscle tissue. They can cause pain and tenderness in the muscle. dry needling is a way to release the trigger points.

After the filiform needles are removed, you may feel a sense of relief from your pain.


How does dry needling work?

Dry needling works by stimulating the nervous system. This causes the muscle to relax and the pain to go away.

How long does a dry needling session last?

The length of dry needling treatments varies depending on the individual’s needs, but most treatments last between 30 and 60 minutes.

Dry needling is not a painful procedure, but some people may feel temporary discomfort when the needle is inserted. Especially for the first time. They are using a filiform needle and may require many of them during each session.

Most people report feeling a dull ache or cramping sensation during the treatment, which typically lasts less than 30 seconds.


Who is this therapy suitable for?

Dry needling is a treatment that can be used for a variety types of pain, including:

The main benefit of dry needling is that it can help relieve muscle pain. It can also help improve range of motion and increase blood flow to the treated area.


Is dry needling effective immediately?

You may feel some immediate relief after a dry needling treatment, but the full effects of the therapy may not be apparent for the next day.

How long does the treatment last?

The effects of dry needling can last for several months. However, you may need to have more than one treatment to achieve long-term relief.

Is it worth the cost?

The cost of dry needling varies depending on the therapist and the number of treatment sessions you need. However, dry needling is generally less expensive than other forms of therapy, such as massage or acupuncture.

Where can I get a dry needling treatment?

The best place to get dry needling is from a certified physical therapist.

Physical therapists who are trained in dry needling can help relieve myofascial pain and improve range of motion.

According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), 36 states allow physical therapists to use dry needling. 6 states prohibit the practice and 8 states are silent about the practice.

how much dry needling cost -

Why dry needling is illegal in some states?

The answer is unclear. Some state legislatures have said that dry needling is the practice of medicine and only physicians can perform this type of procedure.

Other states have said that dry needling is not the practice of medicine.

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is working to get dry needling legalized in all states.


What are the side effects of dry needling?

The most common side effect of dry needling is soreness at the needle site. This is usually mild and goes away within a few days. Other potential side effects include:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Risk of infection


In summary

So, how much does dry needling cost? The answer to that question will vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of dry needling you receive, the number of sessions you need, and where you live.

Generally, dry needling costs between $15 and $100 per session. Some insurance companies do cover dry needling, but coverage can vary widely so it’s always best to check with your insurer first.

If you’re paying out-of-pocket for treatment, dry needling is still a relatively affordable option when compared to other chronic pain treatments.



  • Centers for Medicare and Medical Service:
  • American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) :